09:30-12:00 (Athens Time)
Sustainable Supply Chain Management
By Dr. Anne Touboulic (Associate Professor in Operations Management, Deputy Chair, Social Environmental Responsibility Group, PRME Lead, Nottingham University Business School)
Location: Online
Dr. Anne Touboulic
Associate Professor in Operations Management, Deputy Chair, Social Environmental Responsibility Group, PRME Lead, Nottingham University Business School
Learning objectives / outcomes:
Through this session participants will:
- Gain an understanding of how the EU Due Diligence legislation relates to supply chain management and procurement
- Establish the relationship between EU Due Diligence legislation and socio-ecological challenges facing organisations
- Advance their knowledge of relevant regulatory and voluntary approaches towards sustainability in supply chains and procurement
- Explore how they can proactively embed Due Diligence in the ways of working of their organisations through examples and games
- Surface the key issues and debates related to sustainable supply chain management and procurement
- Develop a better sense of their own assumptions and position towards relation between business and sustainability
- Due diligence in a sustainability context: the urgency of addressing ecological and social challenges and
- Due diligence implications: what it has to do with procurement and supply chains
- Defining sustainable supply chain management and sustainable procurement
- Sustainable SCM and procurement: how to become pro-active
- The future of sustainable SCM and procurement: global trends