Dr. Anthony Montgomery

Professor of Work & Organizational Psychology, University of Macedonia

Anthony Montgomery, is a Professor of Work and Organizational Psychology at the University of Macedonia (Thessaloniki, Greece). Prior to this, he was a lecturer in Occupational Psychology at the Department of Applied Psychology in University College Cork (Ireland), and a Senior Lecturer in the Behavioural Sciences and Healthcare Management at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland-Medical University of Bahrain. From 2009-2014, he was the co-principal investigator of an FP7 European Commission Grant concerning Organizational culture, professional burnout and quality of health care in hospitals (ORCAB). The research was awarded 2.4 million Euros and was conducted among nine European countries. Since 1999, he has successfully combined the roles of organizational consultant and academic. He has published material in both the scientific and popular press. He is actively involved in disseminating his research findings with the public in terms of blogs, podcasts and magazines. Anthony holds a  BA in Psychology from the University College of Dublin, a M.LITT, RESEARCH, from Trinity College, Dublin ; PHD, Organizational Psychology, Utrecht University.


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