09:00-12:30 CET (Brussels time zone)

Kick Off Session: ESG Heroes

This event, which is open to the public, signals the beginning of the 5th CSR-School. The aim of the event is to highlight different models of leadership and management emerging within the new business environment, with responsibility and sustainability taking an even more central position in the principles and practices of companies. Additionally, the event aims to showcase the skills and knowledge needed across all sectors, hierarchical levels, and departments of companies to foster compliance with – and beyond – the new legislative sustainability framework. Join the event to: Learn about recent innovative research studies conducted in Greece, Cyprus and America regarding leadership models and perceptions of sustainability within and outside companies Hear fruitful discussions between Greek ESG Heroes regarding corporate culture, leadership and skills development promoted within their own organizations Discover the skills gaps and needs presented by human resources departments and what educational institutions are doing to address them Meet and reconnect with fellow sustainability professionals


13:30-16:00 CET (Brussels time zone)

Intro & Sustainability Strategy

By Dr. Constantine Manasakis (Associate Professor, University of Crete)

Learning objectives / outcomes:

  • Highlight the cornerstones of the mainstream business models.
  • Highlight the global impacts and risks induced by the mainstream business models.
  • Introduce stakeholders’ interests within corporate purpose.
  • Present corporate transformations rising from the “Stakeholder capitalism” business context.
  • Present the cornerstones for creating and providing sustainable shared value.
  • Demonstrate how business responsibility enhances corporate competitiveness.
  • Present the roadmap and the steps towards the development of a CSR action plan.


  • The “Business as usual” context.
  • The impacts of the “Business as usual” context.
  • Mainstreaming stakeholders.
  • Materializing opportunities in the “Stakeholder capitalism” context.
  • Introducing Sustainability and Responsibility in the corporate DNA.
  • An Action Plan towards Sustainable Shared Value.

16:00-17:00 CET (Brussels time zone)

Sustainable Business Models

By Ms. Maria Alexiou (Chair of the BoD, CSR HELLAS, Vice-Chair of the BoD of CSR Europe and member of the European Reporting Lab of EFRAG)

Session A

09:30-11:30 CET (Brussels time zone)

Materiality Analysis & Stakeholders Management

By Dr. Donato Calace (Senior Vice President of Accounts & Innovation at Datamaran and Member of the Expert Working Group on EU Sustainability Reporting Standards at EFRAG)

Learning objectives/outcomes:

  • Understand the materiality principle and its most recent developments
  • Understand the difference between materiality (principle), materiality assessment, stakeholder engagement;
  • Analyze and evaluate the quality, reliability, and informational value of materiality assessments;
  • Learn the practical steps to conduct a materiality assessment
  • Learn how to read and use a materiality assessment
  • Understand the elements that characterize a good materiality assessment


  • How materiality has been transplanted from accounting and auditing to sustainability and what this means;
  • Materiality definitions across standards. Focus on financial materiality, dynamic materiality, double materiality.
  • Materiality in practice: key steps to conduct a materiality assessment, evidence and data to be used, making sense of the analysis
  • Assessing the quality of a materiality assessment: key elements

11:30-11:45 CET (Brussels time zone)

Unveiling the essence of Impact Materiality: Shaping the foundations for sustainability in MYTILINEOS

By Mr. Alexandros Kostopoulos (Sustainable Development Manager, MYTILINEOS)


  • Exploring the significance in assessing, prioritizing, and managing sustainability-related impacts within the business framework.
  • Showcasing successful alignment and its positive effects on business sustainability and performance.
  • Presenting effective methodologies and tools for conducting impact materiality assessments.
  • Emphasizing the importance of involving stakeholders in impact materiality assessment and reporting.
  • Identifying potential opportunities for the company to leverage impact materiality to drive innovation and competitive advantage.

11:45-12:00 CET (Brussels time zone)

TITAN BUs Validation Materiality Project 2022

By Mr. Ioannis Mastoris (Sustainability Integration Manager, TITAN)


  • Stakeholder engagement
  •  TITAN’s approach for Materiality Assessment
  • BUs Validation Materiality 2022
  • Blueprint for stakeholder engagement project, key info and
    highlights about stakeholders’ responses, main conclusions

Session B

13:00-16:00 CET (Brussels time zone)

Governance & Accountability 

By Dr. Alexandros Antonaras (Associate Professor of Management, Vice President of Student Services, University of Nicosia)

Learning objectives/outcomes:

  • Explain the relationship between Corporate Ethics, Corporate Governance and Sustainability
  • Understand the importance of dealing with Sustainability and ESG criteria at the Board level
  • Be aware of the recent Sustainable Corporate Governance initiatives at European level
  • Learn how to build a sustainable board
  • Be familiar with good practices and trends in Sustainable Corporate Governance


  • Corporate Governance at a Glance
  • Board of Directors and Sustainability / ESG
  • Sustainable Corporate Governance and the Due Diligence on the Supply Chain
  • Fighting corruption and the role of the Boards
  • Building a Culture of Accountability
  • Roadmap to Build Sustainable Corporate Governance

16:00-17:00 CET (Brussels time zone)

Excellence on Governance & Sustainability: Prerequisites, Systems and Tools

By Mr. Konstantinos Giamalidis (Group Compliance & Anti-Fraud Director TITAN Cement Group, MA, CIA, CFE, CRMA)


  • Foundations of Sustainability in Business: The case of TITAN Group
  • Governance & Accountability: Elements and role of an effective Compliance Program
  • Compliance Assurance Systems: Third-party Due Diligence System
  • Fighting Corruption through an Anti-Fraud Program

Session A


09:00-12:30 CET (Brussels time zone)

Responsible Human Capital Management

By Dr. Olga Epitropaki (Professor and Director of Research of the Management & Marketing Department, Durham University Business School) 


To highlight the role of inclusive working environments and responsible human capital management as key drivers towards CSR.

Learning objectives / outcomes

  • Introduce key issues related to responsible human capital management for sustainable organization-building.
  • Discuss how responsible human capital management can support the CSR strategy by leveraging internal competencies and contributing to a positive, healthy and fair work environment.
  • Outline the key elements of a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) strategy for inclusive and respectful work environments.
  • Introduce the Inner Development Goals (IDG) framework.


  • Socially responsible human capital management: The interface between CSR and HRM
  • Key HRM practices (e.g., recruitment, performance management, talent management) that support the CSR strategy and contribute to improving the work and quality of life of employees.
  • Diversity and Inclusion frameworks and key pillars of a DEI strategy.
  • Aligning organizational systems and policies and implementation challenges.
  • The Inner Development Goals (IDG) framework.
  • Best practices and organizational examples.

11:30-12:30 CET (Brussels time zone)

The sustainable HR Practices, Bayer Case Study

By Ms. Angelika Tzemou (BoD Member & Head of HR, Bayer Greece)

Session B

13:30-16:00 CET (Brussels time zone)

Sustainable Supply Chain Management 

By Dr. Anne Touboulic (Associate Professor in Operations Management, Deputy Chair, Social Environmental Responsibility Group, PRME Lead, Nottingham University Business School)

Learning objectives / outcomes:

Through this session participants will:

  • Gain an understanding of how the EU Due Diligence legislation relates to supply chain management and procurement
  • Establish the relationship between EU Due Diligence legislation and socio-ecological challenges facing organisations
  • Advance their knowledge of relevant regulatory and voluntary approaches towards sustainability in supply chains and procurement
  • Explore how they can proactively embed Due Diligence in the ways of working of their organisations through examples and games
  • Surface the key issues and debates related to sustainable supply chain management and procurement
  • Develop a better sense of their own assumptions and position towards relation between business and sustainability


  • Due diligence in a sustainability context: the urgency of addressing ecological and social challenges and
  • Due diligence implications: what it has to do with procurement and supply chains
  • Defining sustainable supply chain management and sustainable procurement
  • Sustainable SCM and procurement: how to become pro-active
  • The future of sustainable SCM and procurement: global trends

16:00-16:30 CET (Brussels time zone)

Sustainability in Coffee supply chain – A “from bean to cup” sustainability approach from Coffee Island.

By Mr. Nikos Koumaniotis (Senior Production Operations Manager, Coffee Island)


  • Sustainability in Coffee supply chain – A “from bean to cup” sustainability approach from Coffee Island.
  • Social sustainability at the farm
  • Create consensus in the global specialty coffee industry
  • Minimize energy consumption and waste strategy
  • Transform the coffee supply chain from linear to circular

16:30-17:00 CET (Brussels time zone)

Towards to a Responsible Supply Chain Management

By Mr. Athanasios Tzortzinis (ESG Officer, MYTILINEOS)


  • Policies and codes for managing responsible supplier relationships
  • Supplier monitoring and evaluation with ESG criteria: tools, methodology and results of Mytilineos’ case
  • Requirements of investors for a sustainable supply chain management
  • Supplier adaptation and risk mitigation plans for continuous improvement

Session A

09:00-11:30 CET (Brussels time zone)

Climate Risks & Environmental Management 

By Dr. Konstantinos Evangelinos (Senior University Researcher, Lecturer and Consultant, University of the Aegean)

Learning objectives / outcomes:
By the end of this module participants should be able to:

  • Determine the risks, challenges and opportunities emerging from climate change for your organisation.
  • Understand how command and control regulation, market based instruments and voluntary regulation affect corporate strategies towards climate change.
  • Present Climate Change Risks and Opportunities Reporting versus Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting.
  • Assess the task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TFCD).
  • Present how much exposed and vulnerable is a business towards climate change.

11:30-12:30 CET (Brussels time zone)

Violanta Steam Free: A Global Innovation

By Mr. Stefanos Komninos (Consultant to the Board, Violanta S.A.) & Mr. Stefanos Tziortziotis (Marketing Director, Violanta S.A.)


  • VIOLANTA & Environmental Innovation
    1. VIOLANTA’s vision for sustainability
    2. World’s first chimneyless biscuit factory with “Violanta steam free” technology
  • Technology
    1. Vertically integrated electrically powered tunnel oven.
    2. Renewable energy sources (photovoltaics etc.).
    3. Special geothermal water exchangers.
  • Environmental Benefits
    1. No emission of carbon dioxide (CO2).
    2. Elimination of water vapor and hot gas discharge chimneys.
  • Economic Benefits
    1. Energy saving by reducing energy costs.
    2. Production of hot water for the needs of the factory.
  • Sustainable Future
    1. Innovative technology for environmentally responsible industry.
    2. Step towards reducing the greenhouse effect.

Session B

13:30- 16:00 CET (Brussels time zone)

Sustainable Finance & Impact Investing 

By Dr. Giannis Vikas (University Lecturer – Researcher and Freelance Consultant in  the fields of Sustainability, Social Economy and Entrepreneurship)

Learning Objectives/Outcomes:

  • Demonstrate understanding of why and how to choose sustainable finance solutions over traditional investments
  • Demonstrate understanding of the impact of environmental, social and governance factors on valuation and pricing for investment and lending decisions
  • Ability to analyze the characteristics of the main sustainable finance products
  • Understand the characteristics of social/environmental impact measurement systems and the main challenges associated with the development of a system measuring the impact of ESG investments


  • The core concepts of sustainable finance and investing explained through theory and empirical data
  • The relevance of sustainability to finance sector decision-makers
  • Regulations and framework of sustainable finance and investing
  • Presentation of the main sustainable finance products, as green bonds and green loans
  • Τools and practices for social/environmental impact measurement

16:00- 17:00 CET (Brussels time zone)

The Capital Markets and ESG: Insights from the Biopharma Investor ESG Communications Initiative

By Ms. Myrto Kontaxi (Sustainability & ESG Advisor, Partner of the Biopharma Sustainability Roundtable)


– Sustainability, ESG, and Impact in the capital markets universe

– The Biopharma Investor ESG Communications Initiative, a brief overview

– Investor objectives and expectations from business

– Business and investor ESG communications: The role of other capital markets stakeholders (i.e. raters, standard-setters)

Session A

09:00-11:30 CET (Brussels time zone)

Responsibility & Sustainability-driven Marketing

By Dr. Pavlos A. Vlachos (Associate Professor, ALBA Graduate Business School at The American College of Greece)

To identify the links between CSR (or ESG) communications, marketing, and analytics.

Learning objectives/ outcomes:
At the end of this session students should be able to:

  • Define CSR performance as a key stakeholder satisfaction metric.
  • Measure CSR performance.
  • Reflect on the Greenwashing phenomenon.
  • Offer research-based advice on how to communicate ESG.
  • Review and experience survey-based instruments to measure ESG performance.
  • Understand and analyze the role of Marketing Analytics tools like Segmentation and Sentiment Analytics in helping firms understand their stakeholders and “compete” on ESG performance.
  • Review and experience how AI and Big Data disrupts CSR (ESG) scoring with implications for greenwashing and marketing ethics (including for example selling practices & product labeling)



  • Marketing Reframed: Stakeholder Satisfaction & CSR Performance.
  • CSR meets Marketing Analytics
  • Truvalue Platform™ Demonstration (Artificial Intelligence, CSR/ESG Firm Scoring, and Marketing Ethics scoring). Truvalue Labs™ an awarded Fintech, applies Artificial Intelligence to massive volumes of unstructured data and scores firms on ESG behavior that has a material impact on company value. We will also focus on how AI allows firms to be monitored 24/7 on marketing ethics including customer privacy, access & affordability, product quality & safety, customer welfare, and selling practices & product labeling)

11:30-12:00 CET (Brussels time zone)

Case Study Aegean S.A.

By Ms. Marina Spyridaki (Corporate Affairs Manager, Aegean)

12:00-12:30 CET (Brussels time zone)

APIVITA, a Systemic Approach to Sustainability

By Mr. Sotiris Pastras (Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility Manager, APIVITA) & Anagnosti J. Choukalas (Head of Sustainability of APIVITA & URIAGE, Derma Division, PUIG Group)


  • B Corp Certification, How it works & deliverables
  • 1% for the Planet Commitment
  • PUIG ESG Agenda 2030, how we align, what we do
  • Billion Bees Program

13:30-17:00 CET (Brussels time zone)

Wrap-Up Session

Who's Teaching

Expert Professors of the CSR-School 2023

Dr. Constantine Manasakis

Dr. Constantine Manasakis

Associate Professor, Political Science Dpt., University of Crete

Dr. Anne Touboulic

Dr. Anne Touboulic

Associate Professor in Operations Management, Deputy Chair, Social Environmental Responsibility Group, PRME Lead, Nottingham University Business School

Dr. Pavlos A. Vlachos

Dr. Pavlos A. Vlachos

Associate Professor of Marketing, ALBA Graduate Business School, The American College of Greece

Dr. Olga Epitropaki

Dr. Olga Epitropaki

Professor and Director of Research of the Management & Marketing Department, Durham University Business School

Dr. Alexandros Antonaras

Dr. Alexandros Antonaras

Associate Professor of Management and Vice President of Student Services, University of Nicosia

Dr. Donato Calace

Dr. Donato Calace

Senior Vice President, Accounts & Innovation, Datamaran, Member, Expert Working Group on EU Sustainability Reporting Standards, EFRAG

Dr. Konstantinos Evaggelinos

Dr. Konstantinos Evaggelinos

Senior University Researcher, Lecturer and Consultant, University of the Aegean

Dr. Giannis Vikas

Dr. Giannis Vikas

University Lecturer - Researcher and Freelance Consultant in the fields of Sustainability, Social Economy and Entrepreneurship

Expert Professionals of the CSR-School 2023

Ms. Maria Alexiou

Ms. Maria Alexiou

Chair BoD, CSRHELLAS; BoD member, CSR Europe; ESG Senior Advisor, TITAN Cement Group; Member, PTF ESRS Secretariat, EFRAG

Ms. Marina Spyridaki

Ms. Marina Spyridaki

Corporate Affairs Manager, AEGEAN

Mr. Nikos Koumaniotis

Mr. Nikos Koumaniotis

Senior Production Operations Manager, COFFEE ISLAND

Ms. Myrto Kontaxi

Ms. Myrto Kontaxi

Sustainability and ESG Advisor, Partner of the Biopharma Sustainability Roundtable

Mr. Alexandros Kostopoulos

Mr. Alexandros Kostopoulos

Sustainable Development Manager, METLEN

Mr. Anagnosti John Choukalas

Mr. Anagnosti John Choukalas

Head of Sustainability of APIVITA & URIAGE, Derma Division, PUIG Group

Mr. Sotiris Pastras

Mr. Sotiris Pastras

Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility Manager, APIVITA

Ms. Angelika Tzemou

Ms. Angelika Tzemou

BoD Member & Head of HR, Bayer Greece

Mr. Konstantinos Giamalidis

Mr. Konstantinos Giamalidis

Group Compliance & Anti-Fraud Director TITAN Cement Group, MA, CIA, CFE, CRMA

Mr. Ioannis Mastoris

Mr. Ioannis Mastoris

Sustainability Integration Manager, TITAN

Mr. Athanasios Tzortzinis

Mr. Athanasios Tzortzinis


Mr. Stefanos Tziortziotis

Mr. Stefanos Tziortziotis

Marketing Director, Violanta S.A.

Mr. Stefanos Komninos

Mr. Stefanos Komninos

Executive Partner, Netrino, Ex-Secretary General of Commerce, Hellenic Ministry of Development

Moderation & Administration of the CSR-School 2023

Ms. Ariadne Stagkou-Bell

Ms. Ariadne Stagkou-Bell

Business Development Manager, CSR HELLAS

Ms. Marina Kyvelou

Ms. Marina Kyvelou

CSR Network Assistant, CSR HELLAS


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