Professors & Professionals
Professors & Professionals
Expert Professors of the CSR-School
Associate Professor, Political Science Dpt., University of Crete
Associate Professor in Operations Management, Deputy Chair, Social Environmental Responsibility Group, PRME Lead, Nottingham University Business School
Associate Professor of Marketing, ALBA Graduate Business School, The American College of Greece
Instructor in Management at the School of Business and Economics, The American College of Greece
Associate Professor of Management and Vice President of Student Services, University of Nicosia
Senior Vice President, Accounts & Innovation, Datamaran, Member, Expert Working Group on EU Sustainability Reporting Standards, EFRAG
University Lecturer - Researcher and Freelance Consultant in the fields of Sustainability, Social Economy and Entrepreneurship
Professor UNESCO Chairholder on Green Innovation and Circular Economy at National Technical University Athens, former Secretary General for Forestry and Environment and Water at Greek Ministry of Environment and Energy
Guests of the CSR School
Director, Office of Sustainability, The American College of Greece
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